Aigar becomes EVRICE

2 min readOct 1, 2020


Friends, we have prepared good news for you!

Our team has grown. Now there are 7 of us. New enthusiasts have appeared, designer has appeared, funding has increased.

We are ready to present a new project that will replace Aigar: EVRICE

1. The new Evrice network is already up and running. The launch took place on September 20. The premine is 70 million EVC coins — 65 million for the swap from AGR to EVC, and 5 million for attracting a new audience: airdrop, bounty, etc. The average block time is 15 seconds, 1 EVC is mined for 1 block. Due to the increase in the number of coins, inflation will not have such a negative impact on the existing holder coins as in the Aigar.

2. Project site — The site is under construction. The blockchain explorer operates at Registration of new accounts is available. Bright recognizable logo, short and memorable name, site registration in the .com domain.

3. We are writing the white paper for the project. Once completed, we will publish on the new website.

4. The blockchain engine is currently Ethereum Go, version 1.9.21. As we said earlier, the engine and database will move to Turbo-Geth in the future, after the release of the stable version.

5. In October we will start exchanging AGR for EVC (1 AGR = 20 EVC). The details of swap will be fully described when everything is ready.

6. After the swap, a guide for starting mining will be described.

Work is going, the project is moving forward, there are plans for the future. Do not forget that we are driven by personal interest, enthusiasm, and plans are brought to life as much as possible, so we talk about the news when something has already been done.

From now we are EVRICE!

Our links:
RUS Telegram group:
ENG/TURK Telegram group:
Aigar website:

